Where Is Music Stored in Windows Media Player

You've raised a few things in your posts.
Firstly going back to the question in your first post. How to get music mp3's you buy/download straight into the media player.
I have windows ME and WMP9. One of the big differences in XP's WMP9 is the ability to have 'watch folders' This is basically telling WMP that you want it to do certain things automatically with music placed in these 'watch folders'. If you select your folders that you want to be watch folders in WMP you can do a number of things.
The importing music into WMP becomes much easier. You can click a button 'check watch folders' I think it's called' and it will add all new music in those folders to wmp. The other thing is, and you'll have to check, I am sure it has the ability to automatically add music added to these folders into WMP. This will give you the option that you want in your first post. Have all your music go straight into one of these watch folders and it will be added automatically to WMP.

The data base file that WMP stores your library is this file (this is ME but should be the same(ish) place in XP

"C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\CurrentDatabase_59R.wmdb"

You can save this file, it holds any alterations you have typed into WMP's library. But the key to getting the library right as you have touched on is tagging. Once all your music is tagged correctly then the database is not that important as you can always import your music again at any time, and since it is tagged correctly as you want it, it will always show up correctly in WMP.

The reason some of your music dopesn't play in another computer is probably down to the 'digital rights management' setting in wmp. It's an anti piracy setting that stops any music ripped with wmp being played on another computer. You can turn that off, but I would go a slightly different route.
Wmp is not the best ripper and it is also not the best tagger. I use different programmes for both. Both are free and get the job done fast. Tagging in batches for tracks from the same album, going online to get tags automatically etc etc. I used media player for just playing the music. Now I use musicmatch jukebox, but wmp is a well capable player too. The ripper programme wont stop you playing your own music on another computer of yours.

This is the tagger (mp3tag tools)
and this is the ripper (cdex)

I don't really understand the problem with duplicate files. Just go into the folder with your music and delete one of the mp3's you have twice. Or am I misunderstanding something there?

As I said the key is working with and tagging your mp3's directly. Not through wmp, go directly to the mp3's, sort them out at root using the programme above. When all done, delete your old wmp library/database, import all your mp3's again, and they're sorted for ever.
Or just move the mp3's to another computer, import them to the media player there and they're just as sorted on the different computer and will show up exactly the same in the different WMP library.

If I've misunderstood any of your problems I needed the typing practice anyway.

Where Is Music Stored in Windows Media Player

Source: https://forums.techguy.org/threads/where-does-windows-media-player-put-files.263785/

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